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Another officer died after falling while checking the draft of a Turkish-controlled bulker in Russia, marking the second such accident in a week.

According to Ince Shipping Group, a second officer lost his life after plunging into the sea near the Kerch Strait from the “Ince Ege” on 4 February.

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A lesson learned from a launch and trial of a lifeboat, when the master links came free from lifeboat release hooks, releasing the lifeboat.

The incident

A vessel was alongside waiting on weather when the decision was taken to use the opportunity to complete annual checks, including lifeboat and davit annual inspections.

This included a launch and trial of the lifeboat. The launch, as per company procedure, was conducted unmanned to the water.

While the boat was in the water, the fore and then the aft master links, connecting the lifeboat to its falls, became disconnected in an uncontrolled way.

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In a recent safety flash, IMCA analyses an incident which regarded a bailout manifold failure, and provides lessons learned.

The incident

A diving bell bailout manifold failed under pressure. No divers were in the bell at the time. The bell was being prepared for diving operations whilst the DSV was waiting on tides and bell checks successfully completed.  The bell man had left the bell and was back in the chamber, and the bell trunk had been isolated from the system at 31msw, with the system itself at 32msw.

A little over an hour after the bell checks, the dive supervisor heard a sudden rush of gas over the comms.  A check of the bell internal camera showed visible misting (as from a gas leak). Initial investigation lead to the discovery of four pieces of a failed nut from the bailout manifold assembly.

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Α Portuguese tanker grounded on February 8, near the islet of Praia, minutes after leaving the port of Praia da Graciosa.

After the incident, the condition of a product tanker was being assessed as its hull was breached off the Azores.

In fact, photos published by the port authority Portos dos Acores showed the Sao Jorge down by the stern.